Jestem Craig


This Is My Journey

In 2007 I had the privilege of meeting several Polish people living and working in the U.K. Little did I know at this time that this would be a fork in the path of my life, a new direction that would expose me to some of the most wonderful, inspirational, strangest and funniest experiences I would have and continue to have to this day.

I don’t know exactly where this blog will take us, but it will contain my story and anecdote’s, it will about the places I’ve visited and the food that I’ve tasted, it will be about traditions I have encountered and some of the most fantastic people you could ever meet.

This was never something that I aimed for, it just happened and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Who am I?

I’m a five foot four, 30 something Lancashire lad who use to have Strawberry blond hair, I have crossed the hills and now live in Yorkshire. I work bloody hard for a living as the manager of a branded restaurant and pub. My work, takes up a lot of my time and I consider myself to be really ambitious. Outside of work my passions are sport (in particular Rugby League), training for marathons and the Labour party. There are more but you will have to join me on my journey to find out.